Getting Involved

There are many ways in which you can get involved and help the NA community.

Provide Researchers with Blood Samples

Patients and physicians can collaborate with researchers who are investigating the causes of NA. The researchers need blood samples for their work at a number of centres. Contact Ginger for more information. If McLeod syndrome is in your family and you have young male adult relatives who have no symptoms, they could make a valuable contribution of blood samples to Kevin Peikert at Universitätsmedizin Rostock; contact Dr Peikert.

Raise Funds for Research

Perhaps you would like to organise an event or set up your own fundraising page.

Share Your Patient Diary

Record how your condition changes and share it with us. A comprehensive collection of case records is invaluable to researchers.

Leave Brain Tissue to Science

Donations of brain tissue are a precious, very special way in which NA patients can help the cause of research after their death. Invaluable information about the effects of NA on the brain can be found by a post mortem examination. Many patients have already consented to donation: read here to see some helpful insights into how one mother decided to approach the question of brain tissue donation with her daughter. Also read a fuller description and the process to contribute in the UK here. For other regions contact Ginger.